
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Getting Started

So, here I was, trolling the internet and working up the courage to start a blog.  When I finally did, I then had to come up with a name.  Because I had been contemplating starting a blog for almost a month, I had come up with a lot of different names.  My favorite was "A Pile of Good Things" - taken from one of my favorite  Doctor Who episodes, "Vincent and the Doctor."
the quote from here

Now, I could talk about Doctor Who for ages and go on for blog posts, but I'll spare you the details for now (fyi if you start with the episode "Blink" or "Vincent and the Doctor" I guarantee you'll be hooked forever).

When I went to put this as my name and URL, I was dismayed to find out it was already taken. After about an hour, I finally got over this crushing fact and came up with an entirely new name - "Mountains & Heaps." I came up with this one on the spot because in the mania that was my senior year ending, I had misplaced the list of blog names and could only remember the really lame ones (I won't tell you them now, because, trust me, they are awful! Maybe if I find that list someday).

After establishing my blogs name and a basic format, I was ready to blog, but had no idea how to start.  Instead, I decided to see who exactly had taken my original blog name.  This person, Emily, I was pleased to see, had a blog that I soon found myself scrolling through.  I was also happy to see that she was in the same place I was in life - finishing high school and off to college in the fall.  I recommend her blog to all of you.  It is filled with lists and songs and wonderfulness. 

If there's anyone out there reading this, let me know what you want me to blog about.  I'm open to suggestions.  After all, I'm at this point, jobless and looking forward to a carefree summer - I might as well do something with it.

Stay Golden,

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